Reading a Crystal Structure
Loading a Crystal Structure (CRYSTAL)
CRYSTAL file.cif [datablock.s]
CRYSTAL file.res
CRYSTAL file.ins
CRYSTAL file.16
CRYSTAL file.21
CRYSTAL file.dmain
CRYSTAL file.cube
CRYSTAL file.bincube
CRYSTAL file.struct
CRYSTAL file.out [istruct.i] # (file.scf.out, quantum espresso output)
CRYSTAL file.pwo [istruct.i]
CRYSTAL file.out # (file.out, crystal output)
CRYSTAL file.out # (file.out, FPLO output)
CRYSTAL # (, quantum espresso input)
CRYSTAL file.pwi
CRYSTAL file.gen
CRYSTAL file.xsf
CRYSTAL file.axsf [istruct.i [xnudge.r]]
CRYSTAL file.{in,in.next_step} # (, FHIaims input)
CRYSTAL file.{out,own} # (FHIaims output)
CRYSTAL file.frac
CRYSTAL file.cell
CRYSTAL file.geom
CRYSTAL # (generated by ASE)
CRYSTAL file.magres
SPG [hall.i|ita.i HM|spg.s]
CELL a.r b.r c.r alpha.r beta.r gamma.r [ANG|ANGSTROM|BOHR|AU]
CARTESIAN [scal.r]
x1.r y1.r z1.r
x2.r y2.r z2.r
x3.r y3.r z3.r
NEQ x.r y.r z.r at.s [ANG|ANGSTROM] [BOHR|AU]
atom.s x.r y.r z.r [ANG|ANGSTROM] [BOHR/AU]
atnumber.i x.r y.r z.r [ANG|ANGSTROM] [BOHR/AU]
SYMM exprx.s, epxry.s, exprz.s
The first line of a critic2 input usually specifies the structure. Critic2 can read a large number of crystal structure formats. In the simplest usage, critic2 reads one of the common file formats like, for instance, a cif file. This is done by using:
CRYSTAL file.s
The extension of file.s
is used to determine the appropriate reading
The MOLECULE keyword can be
used as a replacement for CRYSTAL in the
entries above. MOLECULE is used when the structure is a gas-phase
molecule. For instance, cube files calculated with Gaussian (e.g. using
) can be read by critic2.
The default distance units in the rest of the input and in the output once CRYSTAL is used are atomic units (bohr). This behavior can be changed with the UNITS keyword. The output of the CRYSTAL keyword is explained here. A detailed list of the file formats understood by critic2 follows.
Cube Files (cube, bincube)
Gaussian cube files read using CRYSTAL are assumed to represent a periodic system. This format is used by Quantum ESPRESSO and other programs.
Despite their name, cube files may be used to represent non-orthogonal cells, and have become a de facto standard. They can be written by a lot of popular solid-state programs, so it is a good choice if critic2 provides no native interface to the densities written in the native format of your program.
Critic2 can be used to convert cube files to binary format in order to
save disk space and reading/writing time. Binary cube files have
extension .bincube
, and contain essentially the same information as
the usual cube file.
WIEN2k (struct)
The structure of a crystal in WIEN2k is written to a file with
extension .struct
. WIEN2k’s struct files may or may not contain the
symmetry operations (for instance, if they have been generated by the
web interface but not run).
In VASP, the crystal structure can be read from a number of files,
including the POSCAR
(recommended), the CONTCAR
, a file with
extension, the CHGCAR
, and
others. Depending on the version, VASP’s POSCAR
also the rest) may be missing the atomic symbols. In that case, they
need to be provided by hand after the file name, either using a list
of atomic symbols or the location of the POTCAR
. Files that contain
the word POSCAR
, and ELFCAR
are also accepted
(e.g. nacl.POSCAR
or POSCAR_nacl
Elk (OUT)
In elk, the geometry is written to the GEOMETRY.OUT
file. Any file
with extension .OUT
will be assumed to be in elk’s GEOMETRY.OUT
format (even though it may not be called GEOMETRY.OUT
). The atomic
numbers are inferred from the name of the species file. The atomic
names are the symbols for those atomic numbers, with an integer suffix
that corresponds to the species file for that atom (first file = 1,
second file = 2, and so on).
Quantum ESPRESSO (, scf.out, pwi, pwo)
In addition to reading Gaussian cube files generated by Quantum
ESPRESSO, the outputs (extension .scf.out
or .pwo
) and inputs
or .pwi
) of
pw.x are also understood by critic2. By default, the last geometry in
the output file is read. If an optional istruct.i
integer is given,
then read the structure corresponding that number (only for geometry
optimization jobs).
For Quantum ESPRESSO inputs given as
, only the .in
is detected.
Crystal (out)
Crystal outputs are read if the file has the extension .out
. Critic2
will automatically detect whether the file is a crystal or a Quantum
ESPRESSO output (which has the same .out
extension). Currently, only
periodic crystals are supported (no SLAB, POLYMER or MOLECULE). In
addition, this module has been tested for crystal06 and crystal14
CIF files (cif)
CIF files are the standard format for crystal structures in the crystallography community. The standard is published by the International Union for Crystallography (the core CIF dictionary). In critic2, CIF files are read using the ciftbx library by Sydney R. Hall. If the CIF file provides the crystal symmetry, the symmetry operations are read and used.
CIF files can contain multiple structures in “data blocks”. The
specific data block to read from a multi-block cif file can be
specified with the optional argument datablock.s
. For instance, to
read the data_shelx
block, use datablock.s = shelx
. If
is not present, then the first block is read.
SHELX res and ins Files (res, ins, 16)
RES and INS files are generated and used by SHELX (and derivatives), a
program for the interpretation of experimental single-crystal X-ray
and neutron diffraction data. The INS (input) and RES (output) file
format specifications are almost identical, and follow the
“Alphabetical list of SHELXL instructions” document on the SHELX
website. The extension .16
corresponds to a fort.16
file generated
which also uses the SHELX format.
DMACRYS/NEIGHCRYS Files (16, 21, dmain)
program for modeling molecular crystals using rigid molecules and
distributed atomic multipoles. The fort.21
file generated by
NEIGHCRYS, part of the DMACRYS package can be read by critic2. It
contains the initial geometry. After geometry relaxation, DMACRYS
generates a fort.16
file containing the final geometry, which can
also be read by critic2. In addition, critic2 can also read the initial
structure from the main input file, with extension .dmain
Abinit (DEN, PAWDEN, ELF, LDEN, etc.)
Abinit density files (with suffix _DEN
) and PAW valence density
files (_PAWDEN
) are binary files that, in addition to the electron
density grid, contain the structural information for the crystal. In
addition, other fields also generated by abinit (in the same format)
can be read, including the electron localization function (prtelf,
suffix), the Laplacian of the electron density, various
potentials (_POT
, _VHA
, _VXC
), the
kinetic energy density, and the components of the density gradient
, _GDEN2
, and _GDEN3
Critic2 can read the structure file generated by siesta has extension
. In addition, the STRUCT_IN
file (which has the same
format) is also understood by critic2.
FPLO (out)
The crystal structure can be read from the output of an FPLO
calculation. The extension for an FPLO output understood by critic2 is
DFTB+ (gen)
DFTB+ reads and generates structures in the gen format. The gen format
can be read using the GenFormat
driver in Geometry
. It is also
written during geometry optimizations using OutputPrefix
. The gen format can be used for crystals (in which case it
should contain the lattice vectors at the end of the file) or
See the DFTB+ example for worked out cases.
Xcrysden (xsf and axsf)
Xcrysden generates scalar field files with extension .xsf
, which
also contain the crystal structure. If the xsf file contains a crystal
structure, the PRIMVEC and PRIMCOORD cards are read - everything else
is ignored.
The .axsf
file is an animation file for xcrysden. It is typically
generated by the dynmat.x
utility in Quantum ESPRESSO and it
contains the crystal structure as well as the eigenvectors
corresponding to all the phonon vibrations in the crystal at the
selected q-point (usually, gamma). The axsf file contains one matrix
of lattice vectors (PRIMVEC) and coordinate blocks (PRIMCOORD),
where is the number of atoms. Each PRIMCOORD block contains the
atomic positions (the same in all blocks) and the displacement
associated to the phonon eigenvectors in increasing order of
frequency. The optional parameter istruct.i
gives which of these
PRIMCOORD blocks will be read by critic2 (default: the first
block). If xnudge.r
is given, then displace the atomic positions by
the phonon displacement vectors times xnudge.r
, in bohr. This option
is useful when following the eigenvector of a phonon with imaginary
Quantum ESPRESSO Wavefunction (pwc)
This file is generated by the pw2critic.x utility in the PP bundle of
Quantum ESPRESSO. The .pwc
file contains the structural information
for the system as well as the k-point information and the converged
Kohn-Sham states. It is mostly used in the calculation of
delocalization indices in periodic solids.
FHIaims Inputs and Outputs (in, in.next_step, out, own)
Crystal (and molecular) structures can be loaded from an FHIaims
“” input file. Only the atom
, atom_frac
, and
keywords are parsed and interpreted. If
at least one lattice_vector
is present, the system is assumed to be
a crystal. Alternatively, you can also load the structure from the
file written by FHIaims during a geometry
The crystal or molecular structure can also be loaded from an FHIaims
output file, which is assumed to have a .out
or .own
extension. In the
case of a geometry optimization, the last available geometry in the
output file is read.
TINKER frac Format (frac)
Crystal structures can be given in TINKER frac format. The .frac
file must contain the cell parameters in the second line. This
“complete” .frac
file can be generated from an incomplete .frac
file (i.e. where the cell lengths and angles are in a separate .key
file) using TINKER’s utility programs. The connectivity information is
discarded by critic2 and recalculated from scratch.
CASTEP Inputs and Outputs (cell, geom)
Crystal geometries can be read from CASTEP input (.cell
) files as
well as from the outputs of a geometry optimization (.geom
), from
where the last structure is read. The system is always assumed to be a
Xyz files (xyz)
Crystal geometries in xyz format (.xyz
) generated by
ASE can be read by critic2. For a
xyz structure to be detected as a crystal, a Lattice
and a pbc
entries must be present in the second line. The lattice parameters are
read from Lattice
and the rest of the information is ignored.
Magres files (magres)
Critic2 can read crystal geometries in magres format (.magres
compatible with those read by
At present, only the atoms
tag is read.
Files with Other Extensions
If the crystal structure file you want to read does not have one of
the above extensions but conforms to one of these formats, you can
force critic2 to read the file using that particular format. To do
this, you must follow the CRYSTAL
keyword with another keyword
specifying the required format. The allowed keywords are:
: a cube file. -
: a binary cube file. -
: a WIEN2k.struct
file. -
: a VASP-style (POSCAR, CHGCAR, vasp,…) structure file. -
file from elk. -
: a Quantum ESPRESSO input file. -
: a Quantum ESPRESSO output file. -
: a crystal output file. -
: a cif file. -
: a shelx-style file, typically with extension.res
, orfort.16
. -
: a DMACRYS input file. -
: a DMACRYSfort.21
file. -
: an ABINIT-style file (DEN
,…) -
file. -
: an FPLO output. -
: a DFTB+ gen file. -
: an xcrysden.xsf
file. -
: an xcrysden.axsf
file. -
file. -
: an FHIaims input file (
). -
: an FHIaims output file. -
: a TINKER.frac
file. -
: a CASTEP.cell
file. -
: a CASTEP.geom
file. -
file. -
: magresview magres format.
Manual Specification of the Crystal Structure (CRYSTAL Environment)
The crystal structure can be specified by hand using the CRYSTAL environment. For instance, the input for magnesium oxide (rocksalt structure) would be:
SPG F m -3 m
CELL 4.213 4.213 4.213 90 90 90 ANG
Mg 0 . 0. 0.
O 1/2 1/2 1/2
There are several relevant keywords in the CRYSTAL environment. A space group can be specified with the SPG keyword, in which case only the atoms in the asymmetric unit need to be given:
SPG [hall.i|ita.i HM|spg.s]
The SPG keyword used inside the crystal environment builds the
complete set of symmetry operations in the crystal from the space
group label or the space group number. The space group names known to
critic2 correspond to those given in the International Tables for
Crystallography vol. A, in the Hermann-Mauguin notation
). Alternatively, the numerical ID for the space group in the
Hall notation (hall.i
, from 1 to 530) or the ID for the group in the
ITA notation (ita.i
, Hermann-Mauguin, from 1 to 230) can be
given. Using the ITA numerical ID of the group requires using the HM
keyword after the number. The arguments to SPG
are blank- and
case-insensitive. Examples spg.s
labels are F m -3 m
, P b a 2
P 1 n 1
, and P 63 m c
. When the SPG keyword is used, only the
atoms in the asymmetric unit need to be given.
The complete list of space groups available to critic2 can be retrieved using the SPG keyword outside the CRYSTAL environment. This list, along with example crystals, can also be found in the space group crystal collection. This is useful when there is a choice of origin to be made for a particular space group or if a non-standard setting is needed or in the case of rhombohedral groups for choosing the hexagonal or rhombohedral axes.
If no SPG keyword is found in the CRYSTAL environment, then an internal routine calculates the symmetry from the atomic positions. (This behavior can be deactivated with the NOSYMM/NOSYM keyword.) In this case, all the atoms in the cell need to be given (in contrast to using SPG, in which case only the asymmetric unit needs to be given).
There are two possible ways to input the cell parameters. In the simplest approach, the CELL keyword can be used to give the cell lengths and angles:
CELL a.r b.r c.r alpha.r beta.r gamma.r [ANG|ANGSTROM|BOHR|AU]
If the ANG (or ANGSTROM) keyword is used, then a.r
, b.r
, and c.r
are in angstrom. Otherwise, cell parameters are in bohr by default (the
keyword BOHR or AU can be used, but it is redundant). Using the CELL
keyword lets critic2 decide on the crystallographic-to-Cartesian
transformation matrix (which is not unique; critic2 always uses the
Cholesky decomposition of the metric tensor, for
consistency). Alternatively, one could input this matrix using the
CARTESIAN keyword:
CARTESIAN [scal.r]
# comment
x1.r y1.r z1.r
x2.r y2.r z2.r
x3.r y3.r z3.r
CARTESIAN reads the Cartesian coordinates of the cell vectors in some
arbitrary orthonormal reference frame. Each row corresponds to a
vector. Hence, the metric tensor is
where is the matrix above. The coordinate transformation is
. If scal.r
is given, all
vectors are scaled by that factor. The input units are bohr by
default. The default can be changed with a
UNITS keyword preceding
CRYSTAL or with the BOHR/AU and ANG/ANGSTROM keywords inside the
CARTESIAN environment. The CARTESIAN keyword is particularly useful
for inputs based on Quantum ESPRESSO results since the matrix
corresponds exactly to the CELL_PARAMETERS matrix, and scal.r can be
set to celldm(1)
The NEQ keyword can be used to specify the atomic positions. Equivalently, one can start the line with the atomic symbol or the atomic number:
NEQ x.r y.r z.r at.s [ANG|ANGSTROM] [BOHR/AU]
atom.s x.r y.r z.r [ANG|ANGSTROM] [BOHR/AU]
atnumber.i x.r y.r z.r [ANG|ANGSTROM] [BOHR/AU]
NEQ adds one atom to the crystal. If symmetry is used (via SPG or
SYMM), then only the non-equivalent atom list needs to be given (as in
the MgO example above), which decreases the number of NEQs that are
necessary. Otherwise, the complete list of atoms in the cell has to be
given, and the symmetry guess will reduce it to the non-equivalent
atoms list. The coordinates x.r
, y.r
, and z.r
crystallographic (fractional) coordinates unless the ANG/ANGSTROM or
BOHR/AU keywords are used. Using Cartesian coordinates requires a
previous CELL or CARTESIAN command in order to convert the atomic
positions to crystallographic coordinates. The atomic symbol is
, and the atomic number is detected from the symbol
(essentially, from the beginning of it, so atoms like Cl1
or baxx2
are valid). Deuterium (D) is detected as hydrogen.
The list of atomic positions can be extended by symmetry operations specified using the SYMM keyword. The SYMM keyword accepts three arithmetic expressions separated by commas. These expressions contain the variables x, y, and z (case insensitive), and represent symmetry operations in crystallographic coordinates. For instance:
SYMM -X+1/2, Y+1/2, -Z+1/2
would apply that operation to all atoms given as NEQ. If they are different from the original, the new atoms are added to the list. This keyword is useful in cases when it is difficult to pass SPG a certain non-standard setting for a low-symmetry space group, or when the space group symmetry is given in this format instead of a space group label (e.g. cif files and SHELX res files).
The Crystal Library (CRYSTAL LIBRARY)
A library of (simple) crystal structures is provided with critic2, and can be accessed using the CRYSTAL LIBRARY keyword:
Critic2 tries to find the “NaCl” label (case-insensitive) in an
internal library file that is distributed with the code, and located
in dat/crystal.dat
relative to the source of the distribution. The
relevant library entry in this case reads:
STRUCTURE B1 rock_salt rocksalt NaCl
SPG f m -3 m
CELL 5.6402 5.6402 5.6402 90 90 90 ANG
NEQ 0.0 0.0 0.0 na
NEQ 0.5 0.5 0.5 cl
Note four aliases (B1
, rock_salt
, rocksalt
, and NaCl
) are
defined for the same crystal structure. The syntax in the CRYSTAL
environment is exactly the same as above. The user can define their
own library of crystal structures either by modifying the crystal.dat
directly or by using the LIBRARY keyword:
LIBRARY CRYSTAL /path/to/library
where the indicated file is used instead to perform the lookup. The path can be absolute or relative to the execution directory.
A similar library exists for molecules (molecule.dat
) that can be
accessed through the
MOLECULE keyword. Both
and crystal.dat
are installed in the data directory
by make install
List Space Group Types (SPG)
The SPG keyword (used outside the CRYSTAL environment):
lists the space group types available to critic2. A brief extract of its output is:
#Hall ITA HM-short HM-long choice crys.-syst. Hall-symbol
452 161 R3c R3c H trigonal [R 3 -2"c]
453 161 R3c R3c R trigonal [P 3* -2n]
454 162 P-31m P-312/m trigonal [-P 3 2]
The SPG keyword lists, in order:
- The ID for the space group in Hall notation (from 1 to 530).
- The ID for the space group in Hermann-Mauguin international notation (from 1 to 230).
- The short Hermann-Mauguin label for the group.
- The long Hermann-Mauguin label for the group.
- The particular choice of axes/origin/setting for the group. For instance, H and R mean hexagonal and rhombohedral axes, respectively. In monoclinic groups, choice gives the privileged axis, etc.
- The crystal system.
- The space group type in Hall notation.
The HM-short
and HM-long
labels as well as the numerical Hall ID
for the group (Hall
) and the ITA numerical ID (ITA
) can all be
used in the SPG keyword inside CRYSTAL. (Note that the
latter requires using the additional HM keyword.) A similar list can
be found in the space group crystal
Symmetry Options (SYM/NOSYM)
Critic2 uses the spglib library to calculate the symmetry operations and space group label from the crystal structure description. Symmetry is not used or calculated for molecular systems. By default, if the crystal is very big (>2000 atoms per unit cell), then the automatic calculation of the symmetry is deactivated.
The treatment of symmetry in critic2 can be controlled using the SYM and NOSYM keywords (or their equivalent spellings SYMM/NOSYMM).
{SYMM|SYM} [-1|0|1]
{SYMM|SYM} eps.r
Without any other keywords, the SYM keyword writes the space group information for the current crystal to the output.
Followed by an integer, SYM controls whether the symmetry operations
and space group are calculated for new structures given via
CRYSTAL. If the value is 1, symmetry is always calculated, regardless
of crystal size. If 0, symmetry is never calculated. If -1, calculate
the symmetry if the unit cell has fewer than 2000 atoms (this is the
default). NOSYM (or NOSYMM) is equivalent to SYM 0
Additional keywords can be used to change the symmetry of an already
loaded crystal. If SYM is followed by a real number (eps.r
), then
the precision with which the symmetry operations are determined is set
to this value. If a crystal has been loaded, then this command
recalculates the symmetry using the new precision. The default eps.r
is 1d-2 bohr.
The CLEAR keyword clears all symmetry operations (that is, use space group P1). The RECALC keyword recalculates the symmetry operations. This is useful in cases where the symmetry is read from an external file, such as a cif file.
The REFINE keyword recalculates the atomic positions using the current space-group operations to have them be exactly at the corresponding symmetry sites. For instance, “0.333” may be converted to “0.3333333” in a hexagonal crystal.
The WHOLEMOLS keyword must be applied to molecular crystals. It
eliminates symmetry operations from the space group in such a way that
the asymmetric unit is composed of whole molecules. This is useful
when generating .res
files as input for the DMACRYS program.
If the symmetry is recalculated for a loaded crystal (with the
, CLEAR, RECALC, REFINE, or WHOLEMOLS options), then all fields
are unloaded and all critical point lists are cleared.
The ANALYSIS keyword explores different values of the precision
parameter (eps.r
) and outputs the calculated space group symbol for
each of them. This keyword is useful when there is a crystal that may
have certain symmetry but there is interference from numerical or
experimental noise in the atomic positions or cell parameters. The
ANALYSIS keyword does not change the crystal structure or its symmetry
Atomic Charge Options
The Q (or QAT) keyword can be used to change the atomic charge after CRYSTAL or MOLECULE:
{Q|QAT} at1.s q1.r [at2.s q2.r] ...
This command changes the atomic charge (Q, QAT) of the atomic species
, at2.s
,…. Real numbers for the charges are acceptable. The
charges (Q) are used only in the calculation the point-charge
electrostatic energy using
Loading Multiple Crystal Structures
Critic2 can only work with one structure at a given time. However, more than one crystal can be loaded in the same run, simply by giving a new CRYSTAL (or MOLECULE) keyword. When the second and subsequent CRYSTAL/MOLECULE keywords are read, critic2 clears all the information for the previous structure, including the structural data (cell parameters, atomic positions, etc.) as well as all the fields that had been loaded, all the critical point information, and the atomic and core density grids. Effectively, critic2 behaves as if starting a new run, except that the variables and global options are carried over. To clear the variables and set the global options to their default values, use the RESET keyword: