Finding critical points

Automatic Determination of Critical Points (AUTO)

AUTO [GRADEPS eps.r] [CPEPS eps.r] [NUCEPS neps.r] [NUCEPSH nepsh.r]
     [EPSDEGEN edeg.r] [DISCARD expr.s] [CHK] [DRY] [SEEDOBJ] ...
AUTO ... [TYPES {nbrc}]
AUTO ... [DISCARD [TYPES {nbrc}] expr.s] [DISCARD ...] ...
AUTO ... [CLIP CUBE x0.r y0.r z0.r x1.r y1.r z1.r]
AUTO ... [CLIP SPHERE x0.r y0.r z0.r rad.r]
AUTO ... [SEED ...] [SEED ...] ...
AUTO SEED WS [DEPTH depth.i] [X0 x0.r y0.r z0.r]
             [RADIUS rad.r]
AUTO SEED OH [DEPTH depth.i]  [X0 x0.r y0.r z0.r]
             [RADIUS rad.r] [NR nr.r]
AUTO SEED SPHERE [X0 x0.r y0.r z0.r] [RADIUS rad.r]
                 [NTHETA ntheta.i] [NPHI nphi.i] [NR nr.r]
AUTO SEED LINE [X0 x0.r y0.r z0.r] [X1 x0.r y0.r z0.r]
               [NPTS n.i]
AUTO SEED POINT [X0 x0.r y0.r z0.r]

The search for the critical points (CP) of a scalar field (the points where the gradient of the field vanishes) is a basic task in the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM). In critic2, this search is almost always conducted using the automatic CP localization algorithm implemented in the AUTO keyword. The AUTO keyword finds CPs of the reference field (see REFERENCE). If more than one AUTO searches are carried out in the same run for the same scalar field, the CPs are accumulated in the CP list for that scalar field.

The automatic search for critical points has two steps: seeding and searching. In the seeding step, a collection of points are selected in the space that spans the crystal (the unit cell) or molecular space. In the search step, a Newton-Raphson algorithm is launched at each of the seeds in order to find nearby critical points.

The default seeding behavior in critic2 depends on whether the geometry under study is a crystal (loaded with the CRYSTAL keyword) or a molecule (MOLECULE keyword):

  • In a crystal, the default behavior of AUTO is to calculate the Wigner-Seitz (WS) cell and its irreducible part (the smallest piece of the crystal that reproduces the WS cell by symmetry). Once the irreducible WS (IWS) cell is found, seed points are chosen by subdividing the edges, faces and interior of the tetrahedra forming the IWS comprises up to a certain subdivision level (the DEPTH).

  • In a molecule, a single seed is planted at the midpoint between every pair of atoms less than 15 bohr apart.

Sometimes the default behavior will fail to locate some critical points. For those situations, AUTO provides multiple seeding strategies that can be employed by the user via the SEED keyword. These include searches between pairs of atoms (PAIR), atomic triplets (TRIPLET), uniform seeding in a sphere (SPHERE), a recursive subdivision of an octahedron (OH), seeding along lines (LINE) and at points (POINT), and seeding at a molecular integration mesh (MESH). The seed list built using these “seeding actions” is pruned to remove duplicates before the search is performed. Optionally, a portion of the unit cell can be selected to restrict the search in real space using the CLIP keyword. Once the seed list is built, Newton-Raphson is applied at each of the seeds on the list, making full use of shared-memory parallelization and crystal symmetry.

The default seeding procedure can be changed using one or more SEED keywords. When a SEED keyword is used, the default seeding strategy is forgotten by critic2 and manual control of the seeding is used instead. Several SEED keywords can be used at the same time, each one specifying a single seeding action that is determined by the keyword immediately following SEED. This keyword can be:

  • WS: a recursive subdivision of the Wigner-Seitz cell to level depth.i (keyword: DEPTH, default: 1). The WS cell can be displaced and centered somewhere in the unit cell using X0 (default: (0,0,0)) and scaled down to a radius of rad.r (keyword: RADIUS, default: not used). The units for x0 are crystallographic coordinates in crystals and molecular Cartesian coordinates in molecules (default: angstrom unless changed by UNITS). For rad.r, the default units are bohr in crystals and angstrom in molecules.

  • OH: a sphere of radius rad.r (keyword RADIUS, mandatory) is built around (x0.r y0.r z0.r) (keyword X0, mandatory). On the surface of that sphere, points are set according to a recursive subdivision algorithm that starts from a single octahedron and uses depth.r recursion levels (keyword: DEPTH, default: 1). This is the same procedure as the TRIANG keyword in BASINPLOT. Each resulting point on the sphere surface determines a single ray along which nr.r seeds are uniformly distributed (keyword: NR, mandatory), from X0 to the surface of the sphere. The units for x0 are crystallographic coordinates in crystals and molecular Cartesian coordinates in molecules (default: angstrom unless changed by UNITS). For rad.r, the default units are bohr in crystals and angstrom in molecules.

  • SPHERE: a sphere of radius rad.r (keyword RADIUS, mandatory) is built around (x0.r y0.r z0.r) (keyword X0, mandatory). On the surface of that sphere, points are uniformly distributed, with a placement algorithm that uses nphi.i points in the azimuthal angle (keyword: NPHI, mandatory) and ntheta.i points in the polar angle (keyword: NTHETA, mandatory). Each resulting point on the sphere surface determines a single ray along which nr.r seeds are uniformly distributed (keyword: NR, mandatory), from X0 to the surface of the sphere. The units for x0 are crystallographic coordinates in crystals and molecular Cartesian coordinates in molecules (default: angstrom unless changed by UNITS). For rad.r, the default units are bohr in crystals and angstrom in molecules.

  • PAIR: seeds are placed on the interatomic lines, for all atom pairs at a distance less than dist.r (keyword: DIST, default: 15). The number of seeds per line is n.i (keyword: NPTS, default: 5). The default units for dist.r are bohr in crystals, angstrom in molecules.

  • TRIPLET: seeds are placed at the barycenter of every atomic triplet in which the three atoms are at a distance from each other less than dist.r (keyword: DIST, default: 15). The default units for dist.r are bohr in crystals, angstrom in molecules.

  • LINE: place n.i seeds (keyword: NPTS, default: 5) along a line between (x0.r y0.r z0.r) (keyword: X0, default: origin) and (x1.r y1.r z1.r) (keyword: X1, mandatory). The units for x0 and x1 are crystallographic coordinates in crystals and molecular Cartesian coordinates in molecules (default: angstrom unless changed by UNITS).

  • POINT: place a single seed at (x0.r y0.r z0.r) (keyword: X0, mandatory). The units for x0 are crystallographic coordinates in crystals and molecular Cartesian coordinates in molecules (default: angstrom unless changed by UNITS).

  • MESH: place seeds at the nodes of a molecular integration mesh. The type of mesh can be controlled with the MESHTYPE keyword.

Multiple SEED keywords can be given in the same AUTO command. For instance:


executes three seeding actions: a search between all atoms pairs (1 seed per pair), a recursive subdivision of the WS cell (one level), and a single seed at (0.25 0.25 0.25). The seed placement can be visualized using the optional SEEDOBJ keyword. SEEDOBJ writes an OBJ file (<root>_seeds.obj) containing the unit cell and all the seed positions.

The AUTO search can be restricted to a portion of the unit cell using the CLIP keyword. The CLIP keyword specifies a region of real space. Only the seeds inside that region are used, and only the CPs found inside that region are accepted (although, in crystals, symmetry can replicate the CPs and send them outside the CLIP region; use MYM with the CLEAR keyword or NOSYMM to deactivate symmetry if necessary). There are two possible region shapes in CLIP: a box (CUBE) and a sphere (SPHERE). The box is specified by giving two opposite corners: x0 and x1. The sphere requires a center (x0) and a radius. The units for x0 and x1 are crystallographic coordinates in crystals and molecular Cartesian coordinates in molecules (default: angstrom unless changed by UNITS). For rad.r, the default units are bohr in crystals and angstrom in molecules.

A number of additional optional keywords control the behavior of AUTO. GRADEPS is the gradient norm threshold for the optimization: if a CP is found with gradient norm less than GRADEPS (default: 1e-12), then it is accepted as CP.

A way to filter out unwanted CPs is the optional TYPES keyword. The TYPES keyword accepts a single word as argument, composed of any combination of the letters “n”, “b”, “r”, and “c”. Each letter corresponds to a CP type (nucleus, bond, ring, cage). If the TYPES keyword is given, find only CPs of the types given by the following word. For instance, “TYPES br” means “find only bonds and rings”.

The DISCARD keyword can be used to reduce the list of critical points. If the expression expr.s evaluated at the critical point is non-zero, the critical point is discarded. A typical use for this keyword is when the system has a vacuum region. The (spurious) critical points in the vacuum region can be eliminated from the list by doing, for instance, DISCARD "$rho < 1e-7" to remove the critical points with density lower than 1e-7. The arithmetic expression can involve any number of fields, not just the reference field. Several DISCARD expressions may be given, in which case the CP is discarded if any of the expressions evaluates as non-zero. The DISCARD expressions accept an optional TYPES keyword, with the same syntax as the global TYPES keyword in the preceding paragraph. TYPES is followed by a word composed of the letters “nbrc”, indicating to which types of CPs the DISCARD expression applies. If TYPES is given, the DISCARD expression is only evaluated for those CP types.

If DRY (dry run) is used, then the seeding is done but the actual CP search is skipped. This is useful to examine the seed placement (in combination with SEEDOBJ) and also to print the current list of CPs at zero computational cost.

CPEPS controls the minimum distance between CPs to consider them equivalent. The default units for CPEPS are bohr in crystals and angstrom in molecules. Default: 0.2 bohr. Similarly, NUCEPS controls the distance to consider a CP the same as a nucleus. If a CP is found at a distance less than neps.r from the closest nucleus, critic2 considers the two are the same. The default value of NUCEPS is 0.1 bohr, except for fields defined on a grid, where it defaults to 2 times the maximum of the grid step in each direction. Hydrogens are particular in that the maximum of the electron density may be significantly displaced from the atomic position. A separate NUCEPS distance criterion is provided for hydrogens (NUCEPSH), which defaults to 0.2 bohr.

EPSDEGEN controls how degenerate critical points (i.e. one or more eigenvalues of the Hessian is zero) are discarded. This is important to get rid of critical points that appear in vacuum regions. A critical point is considered degenerate if any of the elements of the diagonal of the Hessian is less than edeg.r in absolute value.

Because finding the CPs can be an expensive task in large structures, the CP list for the current field can be saved to a checkpoint file using the CHK keyword. This keyword generates a <root>.chk_cps file where the list of critical points is stored. It can be accessed in subsequent critic2 runs by using the CHK keyword in AUTO. For instance, to read the CPs from the checkpoint file and skip any calculation in AUTO, you can do:


By default, checkpoint files are not used.

Example Output for AUTO in a Crystal

In crystals, critic2 writes all the critical points found by AUTO to two internal lists: the “non-equivalent” list, containing only those CPs not equivalent by symmetry, and the “complete” list, which contains all the CPs in the unit cell. See the input and output notation. In molecules, symmetry is not used, so both lists are the same.

The most important part of the AUTO output is the “final report”, which gives the non-equivalent CP list and some other useful information. Its appearance is (the table has been simplified):

* Critical point list, final report (non-equivalent cps)
  Topological class (n|b|r|c):   2(8) 1(16) 1(16) 2( 8)
  Morse sum :   0
# ncp pg type    position  mult name  f     |grad|     lap
1 Td  (3,-3) n 0.00 0.00 0.00  4 B  7.19E+1 0.00E+00 -3.00E+15
2 Td  (3,-3) n 0.25 0.25 0.25  4 P  2.36E+3 0.00E+00 -3.00E+15
3 C3v (3,-1) b 0.09 0.59 0.59 16 b1 1.25E-1 4.43E-17 -2.25E-01
4 C3v (3, 1) r 0.88 0.88 0.61 16 r1 1.08E-2 1.09E-16  3.45E-02
5 Td  (3, 3) c 0.75 0.75 0.75  4 c1 5.63E-3 1.34E-16  2.22E-02
6 Td  (3, 3) c 1.00 0.00 0.50  4 c2 7.28E-3 1.32E-16  2.58E-02

The non-equivalent CP list gives the type and position of all the non-equivalent CPs found, their associated name, rank and signature, and multiplicity. Critic2 also provides the site-symmetry (pg), and the values of the reference field (f), its gradient (grad) and its Laplacian (lap) evaluated at the CPs. The ‘topological class’ gives the number of non-equivalent ncp, bcp, rcp, and ccp found. The values in parentheses correspond to the total number of CPs of each class in the cell. If the list is complete, then the Morse sum is zero (in a crystal) or one (in a molecule).

Following the final report is the “analysis of system bonds” and “analysis of system rings”:

* Analysis of system bonds
# ncp end1 end2 r1(bohr) r2(bohr) r1/r2  r1-B-r2(degree)
  3    Mg    O   1.7789   2.1999 0.80864  179.9999

* Analysis of system rings
# ncp end1 end2 r1(bohr) r2(bohr) r1/r2  r1-R-r2(degree)
  4    c01  c01  1.9894   1.9894 1.00000  179.9999

These contain a list of all the bond (resp. ring) critical points found and the corresponding nuclei (resp. cages) they connect. The connected nuclei are found by tracing an upwards gradient path from the bonds. The cages are found using a downwards gradient path from the ring. In addition, it is also shown the geometric distance to the connected critical point, the ratio between the distances, and the angle formed by the bond path (ring path) at the bcp (rcp).

The complete CP list is the list of all CPs in the unit cell, and comes next in the output. The identifiers from this list are used as input for other keywords (for instance, GRDVEC or FLUXPRINT) as they specify a particular position in the crystal. The entries are similar to the non-equivalent CP list (the table has been simplified):

* Complete CP list
  (x symbols are the non-equivalent representative atoms)
  cp ncp typ | x  | y  | z  | op.   (lvec+cvec)
x 1  1  n    1.00 0.50 0.32  1   1.0   0.0   0.0
  2  1  n    0.50 0.00 0.67  2   0.0   0.0   1.0
x 3  2  n    1.00 0.50 0.59  1   1.0   0.0   0.0
  4  2  n    0.50 0.00 0.40  2   0.0   0.0   1.0

The columns are, in order, the CP identifier (cp), the identifier for the same CP in the non-equivalent CP list (ncp), the type of CP, the position in crystallographic coordinates, and the symmetry operation that transforms the CP from the non-equivalent CP list into the listed CP. “Op.” corresponds to one of the symmetry operations listed in the output and “lvec+cvec” is a translation. Application of the operation “op.” to the non-equivalent CP followed by the translation recovers the position of the CP in the complete list. The CPs that are at exactly the same position as the corresponding CPs in the non-equivalent list are listed first and marked with an “x”. Note that for these, the operation is always 1 (the identity) and the translation vector is always a lattice translation.

The complete list is followed by a list of all the bcps and rcps in the unit cell, together with the particular nuclei linked by the bond path they represent (bcp) or with the cages linked by the ring path (rcp):

* Complete CP list, bcp and rcp connectivity table
# (cp(end)+lvec connected to bcp/rcp)
#cp ncp typ   position    end1 (l) end2 (l)
1    1   n 0.00 0.00 0.00
9    3   b 0.50 0.50 0.77 4 (0 0 1) 5 (0 0 0)
10   3   b 0.50 1.00 0.27 3 (0 1 0) 6 (0 1 0)
33   4   r 0.75 0.25 1.00 63 (0 0 1) 57 (0 0 0)
34   4   r 0.75 0.75 0.50 64 (0 0 0) 58 (0 0 0)

This list is similar to the complete CP list, but the two entries at the end (end1 and end2) give the two identifiers from the complete CP list that the bond or ring is connected to, as well as the lattice vector by which it should be translated to regenerate their actual position.

More information about the atomic connectivity through bcps can be found in the “attractor connectivity matrix”:

* Attractor connectivity matrix
              n(1)  n(2)
               Mg     O
 n(1)    Mg     0     6
 n(2)    O      6     0

This list gives the number of bond paths between the different types of non-equivalent atoms in the cell. For instance, in the example above, each Mg (row 1) is bonded to six adjacent oxygens through six bcps (second entry in the matrix) but there are no Mg-Mg bond paths. Likewise, every oxygen is bonded to six Mg, but there are no O-O bond paths.

The final part of the output from AUTO contains a detailed list of all the non-equivalent critical points found, together with an exahustive list of properties calculated at those points. More properties can be calculated by using the POINTPROP keyword:

* Additional properties at the critical points
+ Critical point no. 4
  Crystallogrpahic coordinates: 0.75 0.25 1.00
  Cartesian coordinates (bohr): 5.96 1.98 7.95
  Type : (3,1)
  Field value (f): 2.350841441E-02
  Field value, valence (fval): 2.350841441E-02
  Gradient (grad f): 3.77e-16 -3.76e-16 2.65e-17
  Gradient norm (|grad f|): 5.340413578E-16
  Laplacian (del2 f): 2.889105008E-02
  Laplacian, valence (del2 fval): 2.889105008E-02
  Hessian eigenvalues: -7.02e-3  3.42e-3  3.24e-2
     1.795930240E-02   1.453912685E-02  -1.850420411E-19
     1.453912685E-02   1.795930240E-02  -4.127816220E-19
    -1.850420411E-19  -4.127816220E-19  -7.027554725E-03
  Ellipticity (l_1/l_2 - 1): -3.054735092E+00
+ Flatness (rho_min / rho_b,max): 0.462267

The list of properties calculated by default contains the crystallographic and Cartesian coordinates, the rank and signature of the critical point, the value of the reference field at that point and its derivatives (gradient, gradient norm, Laplacian, Hessian). The ellipticity is the quotient between Hessian eigenvalues, only relevant at bcps or rcps. The final entry, flatness, given at the end of the list, is the quotient between the density minimum and the maximum density at the bond critical points.

Example Output for AUTO in a Molecule

The output for AUTO in a molecule is similar to a crystal but simpler, since there is no distinction between the non-equivalent critical point list and the complete CP list. The list of CPs is given first, together with the class, and the Poincare-Hopf sum (which is 1 for a complete list of CPs):

* Critical point list, final report (non-equivalent cps)
  Topological class (n|b|r|c): 12(12) 12(12) 1(1) 0(0)
  Poincare-Hopf sum: 1
# ncp type      position (ang_) name   f    |grad|   lap
  1  (3,-3) n  0.00  1.20  0.69  C  1.1e+2 0.0e+00 -4.3e+5
  24 (3,-1) b -0.00  1.81 -1.04 b06 2.7e-1 2.8e-13 -9.6e-1
  25 (3,1 ) r -0.00 -0.00  0.00 r01 2.0e-2 1.0e-15 1.6e-1

Each row contains the CP identfier, the rank and signature, the type of critical point, the position in Cartesian coordinates (angstrom by default), the name, and the value, gradient and Laplacian of the reference field at that point.

The CP list is followed by the analysis of the connectivity between atoms via bonds and between cages via rings:

* Analysis of system bonds
# ncp end1 end2 r1(ang) r2(ang) r1/r2 r1-B-r2(degree)
 13    C    C   0.6979  0.6979  1.000   179.8198
 24    C    H   0.6959  0.3907  1.781   179.9998

* Analysis of system rings
# ncp end1 end2 r1(ang) r2(ang) r1/r2 r1-R-r2(degree)
 25    ??  ??   6.7788  6.7788  1.000   180.0000

followed by the attractor connectivity matrix:

* Attractor connectivity matrix
              n(1)  n(2)  n(3)  n(4)  n(5)  n(6)
               C     H     C     H     C     H
 n(1)    C      0     1     1     0     0     0
n(12)    H      0     0     0     0     0     0
              n(7)  n(8)  n(9) n(10) n(11) n(12)
               C     H     C     H     C     H
 n(1)    C      0     0     0     0     1     0
n(12)    H      0     0     0     0     1     0

These lists have the same meaning as in the crsytal example.

Finally, the output gives an exhaustive list of properties at the critical points. As in the case of crystals, the list of properties calculated at the critical points can be varied using the POINTPROP keyword:

* Additional properties at the critical points
+ Critical point no. 4
  Coordinates (ang_): 0.0000000000 2.1497999997 -1.2411900006
  Type : nucleus
  Field value (f): 4.254133728E-01
  Field value, valence (fval): 4.254133728E-01
  Gradient (grad f): 0.00e+00  0.00e+00  0.00e+00
  Gradient norm (|grad f|): 0.000000000E+00
  Laplacian (del2 f): -1.951050589E+01
  Laplacian, valence (del2 fval): -1.951050589E+01
  Hessian eigenvalues: -6.64e+00  -6.63e+00  -6.22e+00
    -6.639684283E+00  -4.772491252E-15   2.755444887E-15
    -4.772491252E-15  -6.329875105E+00  -1.827977265E-01
     2.755444887E-15  -1.827977265E-01  -6.540946498E+00
  Field 0 (f,|grad|,lap): 3.16e-01 0.00e+00 -7.26e+00

The only difference with the output in a crystal is that the coordinates are given in Cartesian (angstrom by default) and referred to the molecular origin. Also, the flatness is missing, because it is meaningless in a molecule.

Problems Finding Critical Points

Sometimes the zero (one) sum condition between the number of critical points of each type is not fulfilled. This is usually caused by problems in the localization of critical points that originate from the (often unavoidable) numerical shortcomings of the scalar field.

In WIEN2k and elk densities, there might be spurious CPs at the surface of the muffin tin, where the density is discontinuous. These spurious CPs show up in the final report list. Every time a FPLAPW field is loaded, every atomic muffin is checked for discontinuities and the report printed to the output.

In DFTB+ and other fields with missing core electrons (e.g. plane-wave calculations), the use of core-augmentation (ZPSP option to LOAD) is recommended to prevent the appearance of spurious critical points close to the nuclei.

In scalar fields with extreme variations in value (e.g. the Laplacian of the electron density), it is unlikely that AUTO will find all the core CPs, since they may be very close to each other or the CP may have a very small attraction basin in the Newton-Raphson algorithm. A previous version of critic2 does that (available upon request) but since the core CPs are not all that interesting, we have decided to remove that code from this version.

By far, the most problematic type of field for CP localization is a grid of values. The difficulty is in finding a way to calculate the first and second derivatives of the field at arbitrary points in space (i.e. doing an interpolation) in a way that is both accurate and smooth. These problems have been considered in a 2022 article (Otero-de-la-Roza, J. Chem. Phys. 156, 224116 (2022)) and in this example. In short, if you are looking for the critical points of an all-electron density given on a grid, then the SMOOTHRHO interpolation is your best option.

Regions where the value of the field is very small are subject to the appearance of many spurious critical points, due to the very small value of the gradient. These regions typically appear in the vacuum region of a slab, or far away from a molecular system. To eliminate the critical points in these regions, use the DISCARD keyword combined with a threshold for the field value. For instance, to discard all critical points with density less (loaded in field $rho) than 1e-5, use DISCARD "$rho < 1e-5".

Visualization of Critical Points

Critic2 does not come with a graphical interface to visualize the results of your calculations (yet). This can be a problem when the list of critical points is very large, if you want to identify one particular critical point among many, or if you need to calculate distances between atoms and/or critical points. However, there are some molecular visualization programs that can be used to read the output of critic2, and this section describes the most comfortable procedures to do so at present.

The key to critical point visualization is the CPREPORT keyword. When used with one of the available output file formats, critic2 will write the list of atoms plus the critical points in that format. The critical points are labeled as “Xn” (nuclear CP), “Xb” (bonds), “Xr” (rings), and “Xc” (cages). The list of critical points is written to the output in the same order as in critic2’s complete critical point list, unless one of the special keywords to modify the plotting region is used (e.g. MOLMOTIF). This means that, if your graphical program gives you the atom labels, atom number n in the GUI will correspond exactly to critical point number n in critic2.

The challenege, therefore, is to make external programs understand that we have objects (critical points) that should be treated like atoms, but are not atoms. An easy (and sometimes very convenient) way of doing this is to replace the critical point labels (“Xb”, “Xr”,…) with atoms we know are not present in our system (e.g. H).

Deprecated Visualization Method Using avogadro

Previously, the way of visualizing the critical points this was using avogadro, an open-source visualizer for crystals and molecules. Avogadro uses openbabel as the underlying format converter. In order to make avogadro understand the critical point types, all you need to do is modify the element.txt file that comes with openbabel, and add the critical point types at the end of the atomic species list:

118     Uuh     0.00    1.60    0.00    0.00    6       294     0.00    0       0       0.99    0.00    0.06    Ununoctium
119     Xn      0.00    0.50    0.00    0.50    0       0       0.00    0       0       0.2805  0.6223  0.0164  nCP
120     Xb      0.00    0.50    0.00    0.50    0       0       0.00    0       0       1.0000  0.8512  0.2380  bCP
121     Xr      0.00    0.50    0.00    0.50    0       0       0.00    0       0       0.5851  0.5349  1.0000  rCP
122     Xc      0.00    0.50    0.00    0.50    0       0       0.00    0       0       1.0000  0.3998  0.3411  cCP
123     Xz      0.00    0.20    0.00    0.20    0       0       0.00    0       0       0.1709  1.0000  0.0000  xCP

With these changes, atoms and critical points will be represented, and the latter will use the color scheme above. The recommended file format both for molecules and crystals is cml, which has several advantages over xyz and cif: i) it prevents avogadro from calculating the molecular connectivity, which can be expensive in a very large system, and ii) it allows showing a fragment of the crystal along with the unit cell. To access the critical point labels (which correspond to the critic2 labels), go to Display types, mark “Label”, click on the Label options, and select “Text: atom number”.

The capability of avogadro to handle periodic systems is limited, and more recent versions of avogadro have taken the program in a somewhat confusing direction, so the above may not apply in your case.

The current best way of visualizing the critical points in your system is using a vmd script. Write the critical points using:


where the GRAPH keyword can be used to write the bond paths. This command writes a vmd script (name.vmd) as well as the geometry of the molecule or crystal, including the critical point and gradient paths ( To open this file with vmd, execute the command:

vmd -e name.vmd

or open vmd and select the “File” menu followed by “Load visualization state”.

In this representation, all atoms in the unit cell (in crystals) or in the molecule are shown, colored by element. Bond critical points are in orange, rigns are cyan, cages are red and non-nuclear maxima are green. Bond paths are shown in pink. In the case of a crystal, the unit cell and lattice vectors are also shown. The lattice vectors are also known to vmd so you can repeat the unit cell in the “Periodic” tab of the “Graphics -> Representations” menu. The blue labels appearing on the plot are the atoms in the system, in the order in which the appear in the complete list.

If you open the Representations window (“Graphics -> Representations”), you will see there are at most 6 representations (you may have fewer if the system lacks certain types of critical points). Types 1, 2, 3, and 4 correspond to nuclear, bond, ring, and cage critical points, respectively. Type 5 are the bond paths. The representation with “Element” coloring method are the atoms. You can double click any of these representations to hide some of these objects.

Lastly, it is possible to identify a particular atom or critical point. To do this, select “Mouse -> Pick” and click on an atom or critical point. A message will be written in the vmd terminal containing, for instance:

Info) name: Xr138
Info) index: 137

which indicates that this is the ring critical point number 138 in the complete CP list (the critical point ID is always the index minus 1). When picking atoms and critical points, it is a good idea to hide the bond path representations, to avoid misclicks.

Of course, vmd gives almost infinite variety when it comes to tailoring your plot to suit your needs, so changing the script or the contents of the xyz file is encouraged. There is, in fact, no information about the system in the .vmd file other than the lattice vectors and unit cell information when representing a periodic crystal.

Requesting More Information About the Critical Point List (CPREPORT)

CPREPORT file.{xyz,gjf,cml,vmd} [SPHERE rad.r [x0.r y0.r z0.r]]
         [CUBE side.r [x0.r y0.r z0.r]] [BORDER] [ix.i iy.i iz.i]
         [MOLMOTIF] [ONEMOTIF] [ENVIRON dist.r]
         [NMER nmer.i]
CPREPORT file.{obj,ply,off} [SPHERE rad.r [x0.r y0.r z0.r]]
         [CUBE side.r [x0.r y0.r z0.r]] [BORDER] [ix.i iy.i iz.i]
CPREPORT file.tess
CPREPORT file.cri|file.incritic
CPREPORT {[file.]POSCAR|[file.]CONTCAR|file.vasp}
CPREPORT file.abin
CPREPORT file.elk
CPREPORT file.gau
CPREPORT file.cif
CPREPORT file.gin
CPREPORT file.lammps
CPREPORT file.fdf
CPREPORT file.hsd
CPREPORT file.gen
CPREPORT file.json
CPREPORT file.test

CPREPORT prints additional information about the critical points to the output.

  • SHORT: prints the list of non-equivalent critical points.
  • LONG: in a crystal, print the complete list of critical points in the unit cell and the connectivity in the case of bcp and rcp (when the graph is calculated); in a molecule, it is the same as SHORT.
  • VERYLONG: detailed information at every critical point, including the derivatives of the reference field, the evaluation of all other fields, and the flatness (in a crystal only).
  • SHELLS: local neighbor environment of every critical point (up to n.i shells, default 10).

In addition, any of the file formats available in the WRITE command can also be used in CPREPORT to write the molecular or crystal structure plus the critical point list in the relevant region. The behavior of these options is analogous to WRITE (except in that the critical points are written, in addition to the atoms). The critical points are written using special symbols: Xn for a nuclear CP, Xb for a bond, Xr for a ring, and Xc for cage. Miscellaneous or unassigned critical points, and points along a gradient path are labeled Xz. Unless special options are used to change the region being writteh by CPREPORT (such as MOLMOTIF, BURST, etc.), the atoms and critical points in the output file are in the same order as in critic2’s complete critical point list.

Critic2 can also write the structure and critical point information for the reference field to a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) file by indicating a file with extension .json. The generated JSON file contains the system geometry, the field details, and essentialy the same information as in the SHORT, LONG, and VERYLONG reports.

The .test file format is used in critic2’s internal tests. This file format is intended for debugging purposes only.

The optional GRAPH keyword can be used in combination with any of the file formats mentioned above. When GRAPH is used, the bond paths are calculated and represented.

List of Properties Calculated at Points (POINTPROP)

The default output for AUTO contains a list of detailed information at the critical points. This is an example of what this section looks like:

* Additional properties at the critical points
+ Critical point no. 9
  Crystallogrpahic coordinates: 0.65183 0.90869 0.72597
  Cartesian coordinates: 12.89298 22.10026 33.60159
  Type : (3,-1)
  Field value (f): 4.939109713E-03
  Field value, valence (fval): 4.939109713E-03
  Gradient (grad f): -9.5115E-18 3.8415E-17 4.1112E-18
  Gradient norm (|grad f|): 3.978845324E-17
  Laplacian (del2 f): 1.312332087E-02
  Laplacian, valence (del2 fval): 1.312332087E-02
  Hessian eigenvalues: -2.11139E-03 -1.48096E-03 1.67156E-02
    -2.068242883E-04  -5.185807347E-03   1.179735612E-03
    -5.185807347E-03   1.373314257E-02  -4.510661176E-03
     1.179735612E-03  -4.510661176E-03  -4.029974096E-04

For each critical point, the coordinates (Cartesian and crystallographic in a crystal; only Cartesian in a molecule), the type, and the evaluation of the reference field and its derivatives is given. In many cases, it is of interest to calculate the value of a different field, or an arithmetic expression involving several fields, at those critical points.

To obtain more information at the critical points of the reference field, the procedure in critic2 is to register a field or an arithmetic expression involving known fields in the “properties list”, accesible using the POINTPROP keyword, with syntax:

POINTPROP name.s "expr.s"
POINTPROP shorthand.s

The POINTPROP keyword associates the expression expr.s with the name name.s and registers that name in a list of properties. When AUTO is run (or CPREPORT, if the POINTPROP order comes after AUTO), those arithmetic expression will be applied to each of the CPs and the result printed in the output. For instance, if one does:


Then the result of AUTO for the critical point above becomes:

+ Critical point no. 9
  Crystallogrpahic coordinates: 0.65183 0.90869 0.72597
  Cartesian coordinates: 12.89298 22.10026 33.60159
  Type : (3,-1)
  Field value (f): 4.939109713E-03
  Field value, valence (fval): 4.939109713E-03
  Gradient (grad f): -9.5115E-18 3.8415E-17 4.1112E-18
  Gradient norm (|grad f|): 3.978845324E-17
  Laplacian (del2 f): 1.312332087E-02
  Laplacian, valence (del2 fval): 1.312332087E-02
  Hessian eigenvalues: -2.11139E-03 -1.48096E-03 1.67156E-02
    -2.068242883E-04  -5.185807347E-03   1.179735612E-03
    -5.185807347E-03   1.373314257E-02  -4.510661176E-03
     1.179735612E-03  -4.510661176E-03  -4.029974096E-04
  mygtf (gtf(0)): 4.112914774E-04
  sth (log($0^2)): -1.062114037E+01

The properties in the list are calculated at the end. The properties list is also used in other parts of critic2, notably in the output of POINT.

Any arithmetic expression can be used in POINTPROP, but it is common to use one of the chemical functions from the critic2 function library. The shorthand names for the chemical functions can also be used to apply those functions to the reference field. For instance:


activates the calculation of the Thomas-Fermi kinetic energy density (gtf function) on the reference field. POINTPROP can only be used with arithmetic expressions involving known fields. The keyword CLEAR deletes all the properties in the list. The list of properties can be accesed at any time using POINTPROP LIST.

