Structural tools

Relabel the Atoms in the Structure (ATOMLABEL)

The ATOMLABEL keyword can be used to change the atomic labels for the atoms in the current structure:

ATOMLABEL template.s

The template string (template.s) is used to build the new atomic names. The format specifiers for this template are:

  • %aid: the index for the atom in the non-equivalent atom list.

  • %id: the index for the atom in the non-equivalent atom list, counting only the atoms of the same type.

  • %S: the atomic symbol, derived from the current atomic number.

  • %s: same as %S, but lowercase.

  • %l: the current atom label.

Powder Diffraction (POWDER)

The keyword POWDER calculates the powder diffraction pattern for the current crystal structure:

POWDER [TH2INI t2i.r] [TH2END t2e.r] [{L|LAMBDA} l.r]
       [FPOL fpol.r] [NPTS npts.i] [SIGMA sigma.r]
       [ROOT root.s] [HARD|SOFT]

Only the range from t2i.r (default: 5 degrees) to t2e.r (default: 90 degrees) will be plotted. The wavelength of the incident radiation is given by l.r (in angstrom, default: 1.5406 angstrom, corresponding to Cu-Kα). The polarization of the X-ray radiation affects the treatment of the resulting intensities. The default is fpol.r = 0, unpolarized light. For synchrotron radiation, use fpol.r = 0.95. npts.i is the number of points in the generated spectrum (default: 10001). Gaussian broadening is used on the observed peaks, with width parameter sigma.r (default: 0.05 degrees).

By default, two files are generated: <root>_xrd.dat, containing the versus intensity data, and <root>_xrd.gnu, the gnuplot script to plot it. The name of these files can be changed using the ROOT keyword. The Miller indices of the peaks are written to the standard output.

The HARD and SOFT keywords control how peaks right outside the plot range are treated. In a HARD powder diffraction pattern, the peaks outside the plot range are not computed, and therefore their tails will not appear on the plot even if the corresponding peak is so close that the contribution to the RDF would be significant. In a SOFT powder diffraction pattern, all peaks are computed and represented, even if the maximum is outside the plot range. Default: SOFT.

Radial Distribution Function (RDF)

The RDF keyword calculates the radial distribution function (RDF) for the current crystal or molecular structure:

RDF [RINI t2i.r] [REND t2e.r] [SIGMA sigma.r] [NPTS npts.i]
    [ROOT root.s] [PAIR is1.s is2.s [PAIR is1.s is2.s ...]]

The definition of RDF is similar to the one found in Willighagen et al., Acta Cryst. B 61 (2005) 29, but where the atomic charges are replaced by the square root of the atomic number. Each pair of atoms A and B at a distance in the system will create a peak in the RDF with a Gaussian shape: \begin{equation} I_{AB}(r) = \sqrt{Z_AZ_B}\times \exp\left(-\frac{(r-d_{AB})^2}{2\sigma^2}\right) \end{equation} The RDF is constructed from the sum of all functions from all unique atom pairs by doing: \begin{equation} {\rm RDF}(r) = \sum_{A<B} \frac{I_{AB}(r)}{r^2N_{\rm cell}} \end{equation} where is the number of atoms in the unit cell.

The RDF is plotted from an initial distance t21.r (default: 0) up to a maximum distance t2e.r (default: 25 bohr) using npts.i points in that interval (default: 10001). Gaussian broadening is used with sigma equal to sigma.r (default: 0.05 bohr). The default units of RINI, REND, and SIGMA are bohr in crystals and angstrom in molecules (this can be changed with the UNITS keyword).

Two files are generated: <root>_rdf.dat, containing the RDF versus distance data, and <root>_rdf.gnu, the gnuplot script to plot it. The name of these files can be changed using the ROOT keyword. If PAIR is given, only the distances between atoms of type is1.s and is2.s will contribute to the RDF. Multiple PAIR keywords can be used. The is1.s and is2.s must be the name of an atomic species in the system.

The HARD and SOFT keywords control how peaks right outside the plot range are treated. In a HARD RDF, the peaks outside the plot range are not computed, and therefore their tails will not appear on the plot even if the corresponding peak is so close that the contribution to the RDF would be significant. In a SOFT RDF, all peaks are computed and represented, even if the maximum is outside the plot range. Default: SOFT.

Average Minimum Distances (AMD)

The AMD keyword calculates the average minimum distances vector. Element i in this vector corresponds to the average of all the i-th nearest-neighbor distances in the crystal or molecule. The AMD has been proposed as a way to compare crystal structures in Widdowson et al., Match. Commun. Math. Comput. Chem., 87 (2022) 529.

AMD [nnmax.i]

The AMD is calculate up to a maximum number of nearest-neighbors equal to nnmax.i (default: 100). In a molecule, nnmax.i is capped at the number of atoms in the molecule minus one.

Compare Crystal and Molecular Structures (COMPARE)

The COMPARE keyword compares two or more structures:

COMPARE {.|file1.s} {.|file2.s} [{.|file3.s} ...]
COMPARE ... [REDUCE eps.r] [NOH]
            [SIGMA sigma.r] [NORM 1|2|INF] ## crystals

At least two structures are required for the comparison. The structures can be given as external files (file1.s, file2.s,…). The behavior regarding the input format is the same as in CRYSTAL and MOLECULE: the file format is identified using the file extension or its contents if the extension is not enough. If a dot (“.”) is used instead of a file name, the current structure (previously loaded with CRYSTAL/MOLECULE) is used. A file with extension .peaks can also be given to provide powder diffraction peak information directly (see below).

There are two distinct modes of operation in COMPARE, depending on whether a molecular or crystal comparison is carried out. If the structures are all molecules or if the MOLECULE keyword is used, then the structures are compared as molecules. If any one of the structures is a crystal or if the CRYSTAL keyword is used, a crystal comparison is done.

If the NOH keyword is used, either with molecules or crystals, the hydrogen atoms are stripped from the structures before running the comparison.

If more than two structures are used in COMPARE, critic2 will compare each pair of structures and present the resulting similarity matrix. Alternatively, if the REDUCE keyword is used, a threshold (eps.r) is applied to determine whether two structures are equal or not. Critic2 then prints a list of unique structures and repeated structures in the output.

The COMPARE keyword does not require a previous CRYSTAL or MOLECULE keyword. Hence, valid critic2 inputs would be:

COMPARE bleh2.cif
COMPARE bleh2.wfx

provided the files exist.

Examples of how to carry out structure comparisons in crystals and molecules are given in the corresponding example.

Crystal Comparison

There are several ways of comparing crystals:

The default is GPWDF. In all cases, COMPARE finds the measure of similarity (DIFF) based on the corresponding functions (RDF, diffractogram, AMD, etc.). Two crystal structures are exactly equal if DIFF = 0. Maximum dissimilarity occurs when DIFF = 1.

In the case of RDF and POWDER, the crystal similarity measure is calculated using the cross-correlation functions defined in de Gelder et al., J. Comput. Chem., 22 (2001) 273. with the triangle weight. In AMD, the dissimilarity is calculated by default as the infinite-norm of the two AMD vectors (the maximum of the absolute values of the differences). This can be change to the 1-norm (the sum of the absolute values) or the 2-norm (the Euclidean distance) using the NORM keyword. The AMD dissimilarity is in atomic units (bohr). In EMD, discrete powder diffraction patterns are compared using the earth mover’s distance.

Powder diffraction patterns for GPWDF, POWDIFF and EMD are calculated from up to xend.r (XEND keyword, default: 50). Radial distribution functions are calculated from zero up to xend.r bohr (XEND keyword, default: 25 bohr). SIGMA is the Gaussian broadening parameter for the powder diffraction or RDF peaks. AMD vectors are calculated up to a maximum of 100 nearest neighbors.

If a file with extension .peaks is given and the GPWDF, POWDER, or EMD crystal comparisons are used, read the diffraction peak info from the file. The file must give one peak per line in the format:

2*theta Intensity

where is given in degrees and the intensity corresponds to the peak area. The powder diffraction pattern for the POWDER comparison is synthesized from this information by placing Gaussian functions at the peak positions with the same parameters as for the other structures.

Molecular Comparison

For the molecular comparison, there are several options. If the SORTED keyword is used, the atomic sequence in each molecule is assumed to be the same. In this case, COMPARE finds the translation and rotation that brings the molecules into closest agreement with each other and reports the resulting root-mean-square (RMS) of the atomic positions. The molecular rotation is calculated using Walker et al.’s quaternion algorithm (Walker et al., CVGIP-Imag. Understan. 54 (1991) 358). For the comparison to work correctly, it is necessary that the two molecules have the same number of atoms and that the atoms are in the same sequence.

If the molecules have the same atomic connectivity (the same molecular diagram) but the atomic sequences are not equivalent, i.e. the atoms are disordered, then the ULLMANN or UMEYAMA methods can be used. The Umeyama approach (keyword: UMEYAMA) uses a weighted graph matching method based on the algorithm proposed in Umeyama, S., IEEE PAMI, 10 (1988) 695-703. Umeyama’s method is non-iterative, but approximate. If there are significant differences between the structures being compared, or if they are highly symmetric, UMEYAMA may find the wrong atomic permutation, so it is a good idea to always check that the RMS in the output is reasonable. The Ullmann approach (keyword: ULLMANN) uses a modified version of Ullmann’s subgraph matching algorithm (Ullmann, J. R., J. ACM 23 (1976) 31-42). This method finds all possible matching sequences based on graph connectivity alone, then selects the sequence with lowest RMS upon molecular rotation. It is more reliable than UMEYAMA but may become expensive for larger molecules.

The ULLMANN method is the default if the number and types of atoms in the molecules being compared are the same. If this is not the case, or if the RDF keyword is used, then radial distribution functions are employed and the comparison is similar to how RDF works in crystals.

Compare Crystal Structures Allowing Cell Deformations (COMPAREVC)

The COMPAREVC keyword (variable-cell compare) is used to compare two crystal structures, or a crystal structure and an experimental powder diffraction pattern, allowing one of structures to have its lattice deformed to match the other structure. Considering deformations of one of the structures is useful when comparing crystals that have similar motifs but slightly mismatched lattices as a result of, for instance, deformations caused by temperature, pressure, errors arising from approximations in computational methods, experimental uncertainties and other factors.

There are two methods implemented in COMPAREVC: GVCPWDF (default) and VCPWDF. The syntax of COMPAREVC is:

COMPAREVC {.|file1.s} {.|file2.s} [SP|LOCAL|GLOBAL] [SAFE|QUICK] [ALPHA alpha.r]
          [LAMBDA lambda.r] [WRITE file.s] [MAXFEVAL maxfeval.i] [BESTEPS besteps.r]
          [MAXELONG maxelong.r] [MAXANG maxang.r]
COMPAREVC VCPWDF {.|file1.s} {.|file2.s} [THR thr.r] [WRITE file.s] [NOH] [MAXELONG me.r]
          [MAXANG ma.r] [MAXVOL mv.r]

Default behavior of COMPAREVC

The default syntax for COMPAREVC is:

COMPAREVC {.|file1.s} {.|file2.s} [SP|LOCAL|GLOBAL] [SAFE|QUICK] [ALPHA alpha.r]
          [LAMBDA lambda.r] [WRITE file.s] [MAXFEVAL maxfeval.i] [BESTEPS besteps.r]
          [MAXELONG maxelong.r] [MAXANG maxang.r]

which implements the GVCPWDF variant of the approach. Using this method requires compiling critic2 with the NLOPT library. If NLOPT is not available, the VCPWDF version of COMPAREVC is used instead (see below).

This version of COMPAREVC is described in A. Otero-de-la-Roza, J. Appl. Cryst. 57 (2024) 1401-1414. This method is used to compare: a) two crystal structures, or b) a crystal structure and an X-ray powder diffraction pattern, in both cases allowing for cell deformations of one of the structures to account for temperature, pressure, and other effects that cause cell deformations.

The two structures being compared are represented by their diffraction patterns, as a list of pairs of reflection angles and intensities . The first diffraction pattern is calculated from the crystal structure in file1.s. The second diffraction pattern is derived from file2.s. If file2.s is a crystal structure, the are calculated in the same way as for the first structure. Alternatively, file2.s can be a file containing a list of diffraction peaks (with extension .peaks), generated by fitting an experimental patttern using the XRPD keyword. The behavior regarding the input format is the same as in CRYSTAL: the file format is identified using the file extension or its contents if the extension is not enough. If a dot (“.”) is used instead of a file name, the current structure (previously loaded with CRYSTAL) is used.

COMPAREVC carries out a global search over all possible deformations of the lattice from crystal structure 1 within a certain range of cell elongations (given by maxelong.r) and changes in cell angle (maxang.r), looking for the best possible agreement with structure 2. At each lattice deformation, the GPWDF similarity score between the powder diffraction patterns of structures 1 and 2 is calculated (see the COMPARE keyword), and then minimized. The lowest GPWDF value found from this global search, corresponding to the deformation of structure 1 that best matches structure 2, is the final COMPAREVC similarity score.

The meaning of the different options is as follows:

  • GLOBAL: carry out a global search over deformations of structure 1 followed by local GPWDF minimizations, as described above. This is the default.

  • LOCAL: minimize GPWDF as a function of lattice deformations of structure 1, starting only at the provided structure. This is the local minimization equivalent of the global minimization in GLOBAL.

  • SP: calculate the GPDWF index at the original structure and do not carry out any minimization. This is equivalent to the COMPARE keyword with the GPWDF option.

  • ALPHA: width of the triangle in the Gaussian version of de Gelder’s cross-correlation function (default: 0.5).

  • MAXFEVAL: the global search is considered to be converged if MAXFEVAL evaluations of the GPWDF index have been calculated with no decrease in value. Default: 5000.

  • BESTEPS: the function evaluation counter is reset every time a GPWDF score lower than the current lowest value is found. If the difference between the current GPWDF and the lowest GPWDF known is lower than BESTEPS, do not reset the counter. A higher BESTEPS makes the convergence faster but may give an inaccurate COMPAREVC score. Default: 1e-3.

  • MAXELONG: maximum percent change in cell lengths for structure 1 deformations. Default: 0.10 (10%).

  • MAXANG: maximum cell angle deformations allowed for structure 1. Default: 5 degrees.

  • QUICK: use the quick settings for the global search: BESTEPS is 1e-3, MAXFEVAL is 5000, MAXELONG is 0.10, and MAXANG is 5. This is the default.

  • SAFE: use the safe settings for the global search: BESTEPS is 1e-4, MAXFEVAL is 10000, MAXELONG is 0.15, and MAXANG is 10.

  • LAMBDA: wavelength for the X-ray diffraction patterns calculated from structures. Default: 1.5406 angstrom (Cu K-).

  • WRITE: write the deformed structure 1 that best matches structure 2 in file.s (the format is guessed from the extension). Also, write the calculated diffraction pattern for the final structure in <root>-final.xy. You can change the root of the file with the ROOT keyword.

The VCPWDF method

COMPAREVC VCPWDF {.|file1.s} {.|file2.s} [THR thr.r] [WRITE file.s] [NOH] [MAXELONG me.r]
          [MAXANG ma.r] [MAXVOL mv.r]

The COMPAREVC/VCPWDF method works by exploring the set of lattice basis changes that transform the reduced cell of the first crystal into the reduced cell of the second crystal. For each transformation, the cell parameters are then forced to be equal, and the similarity is calculated using de Gelder’s method (the POWDIFF option in the COMPARE keyword). The lowest POWDIFF found in this way is the calculated variable-cell similarity measure (VC-POWDIFF). The algorithm is described in detail in Mayo et al., CrystEngComm (2022). This keyword corresponds to the VC-PWDF (variable-cell POWDIFF) described in the article.

The structures contained in file1.s and file2.s are compared using the variable-cell comparison algorithm. The behavior regarding the input format is the same as in CRYSTAL and MOLECULE: the file format is identified using the file extension or its contents if the extension is not enough. If a dot (“.”) is used instead of a file name, the current structure (previously loaded with CRYSTAL/MOLECULE) is used.

There are several optional keyword to COMPAREVC/VCPWDF. If THR is given, stop the comparison if the calculated similarity measure (VC-POWDIFF) is lower than thr.r. This is useful for speeding up calculations in which we set a threshold below which we accept two crystal structures are equal. If WRITE, write the transformed structure to file file.s (the format is guessed from the extension). If NOH, remove the hydrogens from both structures before comparing. The MAXELONG, MAXANG, and MAXVOL options control the maximum elongation, maximum angle change, and maximum volume change allowed for the cell deformation. By default, they are 30% (0.3), 20 degrees, and 50% (0.5) respectively.

Transform the Unit Cell (NEWCELL)

The NEWCELL keyword transforms the unit cell used to describe the current crystal structure to a new cell:

NEWCELL {x1.r y1.r z1.r x2.r y2.r z2.r x3.r y3.r z3.r|n1.i n2.i n3.i} [INV|INVERSE]
        [ORIGIN x0.r y0.r z0.r]
NEWCELL NICE [inice.i]

The new unit cell is given by the vectors (x1.r y1.r z1.r), (x2.r y2.r z2.r), and (x3.r y3.r z3.r) in crystallographic coordinates relative to the old unit cell. The x1, x2, x3 vectors must be pure translations of the old cell; either lattice vectors, centering vectors, or combinations of the two. Alternatively, if three integers are given (n1.i n2.i n3.i), NEWCELL builds a supercell with n1.i cells in the a direction, n2.i cells in the b direction, and n3.i cells in the c direction.

NEWCELL unloads all fields (except the promolecular density) and clears the critical point list. If the INV (or INVERSE) keyword is used, the input vectors correspond to the crystallographic coordinates of the old cell in the new coordinate system. A NEWCELL transformation is the inverse of the same transformation using the INV keyword. Optionally, if an ORIGIN vector is given, (x0.r y0.r z0.r), the cell origin is translated to x0. The units of x0 are crystallographic coordinates of the original cell.

The NEWCELL keyword is useful for building supercells or for performing routine but tedious crystallographic transformations. For instance, given a face-centered cubic lattice and the conventional cubic cell one can find the primitive (rhombohedral) cell by doing:

NEWCELL 1/2 1/2 0 1/2 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/2

Likewise, if the current cell is rhombohedral, the same NEWCELL order but including the INVERSE keyword transforms to the cubic. That is:

NEWCELL 1/2 1/2 0 1/2 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/2
NEWCELL 1/2 1/2 0 1/2 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/2 INVERSE

gives a unit cell and crystal structure description that is equivalent to the initial one read from the library.

NEWCELL also admits specific keywords that perform common transformations to certain cells of interest. The cell can be transformed to:

  • STANDARD: standard (canonical) unit cell.

  • PRIMITIVE: standard primitive unit cell. Does not transform the cell if the unit cell is already primitive.

  • PRIMSTD: standard primitive unit cell. Does the transformation even if the current unit cell is primitive.

  • NIGGLI: Niggli-reduced cell for the current lattice. Use a NEWCELL PRIMITIVE first to get the primitive Niggli cell.

  • DELAUNAY: Delaunay-reduced cell for the current lattice. Use a NEWCELL PRIMITIVE first to get the primitive Delaunay cell.

The origin is not translated by any of these keywords. The REFINE keyword can be used in combination with STANDARD, PRIMITIVE, or PRIMSTD. If REFINE is used, then the atomic positions are idealized according to the space group symmetry operations. For instance, an atomic coordinate of 0.333 may become 0.3333333… in a hexagonal space group. These transformations use the spglib library. Please consult the spglib manual for more information.

The keyword NICE can be used to activate a mode of operation of NEWCELL that does not effect any cell transformation. Instead, NICE examines all possible supercells of the currently loaded cell containing a number of cells up to inice.i (default: 64). For a given integer n between 1 and inice.i, all supercells with size n (i.e. comprising n current cells) are examined and the transformation to the “nicest” supercell is reported. The niceness of a supercell is a number between 0 and 1 determined by the size of the largest sphere it can contain (higher is nicer). The nicest supercell possible is cubic and has a niceness of 1. In the output of NEWCELL NICE, the NEWCELL transformations for all supercells with sizes between 1 and inice.i are reported, together with their niceness and the radius of the largest sphere they can contain.

Calculate Atomic Environments (ENVIRON)

The ENVIRON keyword prints lists of neighbor atoms:

ENVIRON [DIST dist.r] [POINT x0.r y0.r z0.r|ATOM at.s/iat.i|CELATOM iat.i]
[BY by.s/iby.i] [SHELL|SHELLS]

If POINT is given, print the atomic neighbors around the point with coordinates (x0.r y0.r z0.r) in crystallographic coordinates (crystal) or or molecular Cartesian coordinates (molecule, default units: angstrom). Instead, if ATOM is given, print the neighbors around atom iat.i from the non-equivalent atom list or around every atom with atomic symbol at.s (converted internally to atomic number). If CELATOM is used, then print the environment around atom iat.i from the complete list. If neither POINT nor ATOM nor CELATOM are given, print the environments of all non-equivalent atoms in the unit cell.

By default, the environments extend up to 5 angstrom from the central point. The DIST keyword can be used to change this value (by default, dist.r is in bohr in crystals and angstrom in molecules). The BY keyword allows filtering the neighbor list to print only certain kinds of atoms. If iby.i is given, print only atoms whose non-equivalent ID is the same as iby.i. If by.s is given, print only atoms with the same atomic symbol as by.s (converted internally to atomic number). If SHELLS (or SHELL) is given, group the neighbors in shells by distance (1e-2 atomic distance threshold for atoms in the same shell) and non-equivalent ID.

Calculate Coordination Polyhedra (POLYHEDRA)

The POLYHEDRA keyword calculates the coordination polyhedra in a periodic solid:

POLYHEDRA atcenter.s atvertex.s [[rmin.r] rmax.r]

The polyhedra are built with atom atcenter.s as the center and atvertex.s as the vertices. These strings can refer to an atomic species, if such species exists in the current structure. If not, then the symbols are converted to atomic numbers, and these are used instead. By default, the distance range to consider the central and vertex atom are coordinated is from zero to the sum of covalent radii times the BONDFACTOR. If a single number (rmax.r) is indicated at the end of the POLYHEDRA command, then the distance range goes from zero to rmax.r. If two numbers are indicated, then the distance range goes from rmax.r to rmin.r.

The output of the POLYHEDRA keyword contains a list of non-equivalent atoms of type atcenter.s that have a coordination polyhedron. The number of vertices, minimum and maximum vertex-center distance, number of faces, and polyhedron volume are printed.

Effective Coordination Number (ECON)

The coordination number of an atom is typically defined as the number of neighbors that are closest to that atom. This definition can be unsatisfactory for situations where there is a range of bond lengths around the central atom. To address these complex cases, the calculation of an effective coordination number (ECoN) was introduced by Hoppe in 1979. The ECoN of a given atom is calculated by assigning to each atom around it a weight based on their distance. The original procedure is described in Hoppe, Z. Kristallogr. 150 (1979) 23 and examined in detail in Nespolo, Acta Cryst. B, 72 (2016) 51.

The implementation of ECoN in critic2 is slightly different from those two references in that we do not require the user to define coordination polyhedra for the calculation. Instead, the ECoN in critic2 is calculated as a formula that takes into account the distances from the central atom to all other atoms in the crystal. There are two variants of ECoN: iterative, calculated using a self-consistent procedure, and non-iterative.

For a given atom, the ECoN is defined as: \begin{equation} {\rm ECoN} = \sum_{i} w_{i} \end{equation} where the sum runs over all the atoms in the environment of the chosen central atom (or a subset of atoms belonging to a certain species, see below). The weight of the ith atom () is defined as: \begin{equation} w_{i} = \exp\left[1-\left(\frac{d_{i}}{d_{\rm av}}\right)^6\right] \end{equation} with the distance to atom . In the non-iterative variant of ECoN, is the weighted average distance, defined as: \begin{equation} d_{\rm av} = \frac{\sum_{i} d_{i}\exp\left[1-\left(\frac{d_{i}}{d_{\rm min}}\right)^6\right]} {\sum_{i}\exp\left[1-\left(\frac{d_{i}}{d_{\rm min}}\right)^6\right]} \end{equation} where is the shortest distance to the central atom for the considered atomic species. In contrast, the iterative variant of ECoN calculates the weighted average distance by solving the non-linear equation: \begin{equation} d_{\rm av}^{\rm it} = \frac{\sum_{i} d_{i}\exp\left[1-\left(\frac{d_{i}}{d_{\rm av}^{\rm it}}\right)^6\right]} {\sum_{i}\exp\left[1-\left(\frac{d_{i}}{d_{\rm av}^{\rm it}}\right)^6\right]} \end{equation} which is done using a self-consistent iterative procedure.

A typical output for the ECoN keyword is:

# nid->spc   name(nid)->name(spc)     econ      1econ       nd         1nd
   1 -> *          Ti -> *           5.9754     5.9743     3.6805     3.6804
   1 -> 1          Ti -> Ti          4.8730     4.7197     5.8587     5.8302
   1 -> 2          Ti -> O           5.9754     5.9742     3.6805     3.6804
   2 -> *           O -> *           3.2704     3.2170     3.7153     3.7056
   2 -> 1           O -> Ti          2.9877     2.9871     3.6805     3.6804
   2 -> 2           O -> O           7.9476     6.4604     5.1286     4.9802

where nid represents the non-equivalent atom ID of the central atom for which the ECoN is calculated and the values corresponding to different spc are obtained by considering the distances to atoms belonging to those atomic species only (spc=1, 2, etc.) or to all atoms regardless of species (spc=*). Critic2 reports the iterative ECoN (econ), non-iterative ECoN (1econ), iterative weighted average distance (nd, ), and non-iterative weighted average distance (1nd, ).

Pair and Triplet Coordination Numbers (COORD)

The COORD keyword calculates pair and triplet coordination numbers:

COORD [DIST dist.r] [FAC fac.r]

By default two atoms are coordinated if they are within fac.r times the sum of their covalent radii. By default, fac.r is equal to the BONDFACTOR and the internal list of covalent radii is used (see the RADII keyword). The value of fac.r can be changed with the FAC keyword. The atomic radii for atomic species can be changed with using the RADII keyword. If the DIST keyword is used, all atoms within a distance dist.r are coordinated.

On output, COORD will list the number of coordinated pairs per atom in the unit cell and per atomic species. In addition, it will also list all coordinated triplets X-Y-Z, where Y runs over all atoms in the unit cell and over all atomic species.

Packing Ratio (PACKING)

The PACKING keyword computes the packing ratio of the crystal.


With VDW, use the van der Waals radii. With COV, use the covalent radii. If neither VDW nor COV are used, use half of the nearest neighbor distance (in this case, the spheres would not overlap).

In the VDW and COV cases, the calculation is done using a Monte-Carlo sampling of the unit cell. The PREC keyword allows controlling the precision of this calculation. PREC corresponds to the standard deviation in the van der Waals volume divided by the volume itself. The default prec.r is 0.01. The van der Waals and covalent radii can be changed using the RADII keyword.

Van der Waals Volume (VDW)

The VDW keyword calculates the van der Waals volume of a crystal or molecule.

VDW [PREC prec.r]

The calculation is done using a Monte-Carlo sampling of the unit cell or the molecular volume. The PREC keyword allows controlling the precision of this calculation. PREC corresponds to the standard deviation in the van der Waals volume divided by the volume itself. The default prec.r is 0.01. The van der Waals radii are taken from the internal tables, and they can be changed using the RADII keyword.

Identify Atoms in the Structure Given Their Coordinates (IDENTIFY)

The IDENTIFY keyword identifies the coordinates in the user input by matching them against the internal list of atoms and critical points:


If a coordinate is close (1e-4 bohr) to an atom or CP, the corresponding indices as well as the coordinates are written to the output. The input can come as either the coordinates of the points themselves or a filename pointing to an .xyz file. IDENTIFY can be used in environment mode (IDENTIFY/ENDIDENTIFY, with several lines of input) or as a single command when applying it to a single .xyz file.

The default units are crystallographic coordinates in crystals and molecular Cartesian coordinates in molecules (default unit: angstrom). However, these units can be modified with one of the keywords that follow the IDENTIFY command. For specific points, the unit can be changed by specifying the same keywords after the three coordinates. The units in the .xyz file are angstrom (the xyz file also has to have the usual syntax, with the number of atoms in the first line and the title, or a blank line, in the second line).

In addition to the identity of the points, if any, critic2 also provides the vertices of the cube that encompasses all the points in the list that did match an atom or CP.

Point-Charge Electrostatic Energy (EWALD)

The EWALD keyword calculates the electrostatic energy of the lattice of point charges using Ewald’s method:


The atomic charges are defined using the Q keyword.

Reorder Atoms in a Molecule or Molecular Crystal (MOLREORDER)

The MOLREORDER keyword reorders the atoms in a target molecule or all the molecules in a target molecular crystal to have the same atomic sequence as in a template molecule. The syntax is:

MOLREORDER {.|template.s} {.|target.s} [WRITE file.s] [MOVEATOMS] [INV] [UMEYAMA|ULLMANN]

The template molecule is in file template.s. The target structure file target.s must contain either a molecule or a molecular crystal. If target.s is a molecule, it must contain the same number and types of atoms as the template. If target.s is a molecular crystal, its asymmetric unit must have an integer number of molecules (Z’, see the WHOLEMOLS option in SYMM/SYM). In addition, all molecular fragments in the target crystal must have the same number and atom types as the template. On output, the atoms in structure target.s are reordered such that they are in the same sequence as template.s. A dot (“.”) given as either the template (template.s) or target (target.s) files instructs critic2 to use the currently loaded structure (with a previous CRYSTAL/MOLECULE command).

MOLREORDER can use two different algorithms to solve the atomic sequence reordering problem:

  • The Umeyama approach (keyword: UMEYAMA) uses a weighted graph matching method based on the algorithm proposed in Umeyama, S., IEEE PAMI, 10 (1988) 695-703. Umeyama’s method is non-iterative, but approximate. If there are significant differences between the structures being compared, or if they are highly symmetric, UMEYAMA may find the wrong atomic permutation, so it is a good idea to always check that the RMS in the output is small.

  • The Ullmann approach (keyword: ULLMANN) uses a modified version of Ullmann’s subgraph matching algorithm (Ullmann, J. R., J. ACM 23 (1976) 31-42). This method finds all possible matching sequences based on graph connectivity alone, then selects the sequence with lowest RMS upon molecular rotation. It is more reliable than UMEYAMA but may become expensive for larger molecules. This is the default.

Once the atoms are in the correct sequence, the RMS is obtained by calculating the rotation matrix that yields the best match, in the least squares sense, between the template and the reordered structure(s). The MOLREORDER keyword does not require having any molecular or crystal structure loaded.

If WRITE is used followed by a file name file.s, the output structure with its atoms in the same order as the template is written to that file. In addition, if MOVEATOMS is used, the atoms in the structure written to file.s are moved to match the structure of the template molecule. If INV is used, inversion operations are allowed.

Move Atoms in a Molecular Crystal to Match Molecules (MOLMOVE)

The MOLMOVE keyword is used to modify the atomic positions in a molecular crystal in such a way that the structures of its fragments are identical to a set of molecules provided by the user. This is useful when the molecules in a molecular crystal are extracted (with the NMER 1 ONEMOTIF options of the WRITE command), then their structure is modified, most commonly by running a geometry relaxation in the gas-phase, and then the new molecular structures need to be re-packed back into the crystal structure. The syntax for the MOLMOVE keyword is:

MOLMOVE mol1.s mol2.s ... moln.s target.s new.s

The molecular crystal that needs to be modified (target.s) must be composed of n fragments, and n molecular structures have to be given first (mol1.s to moln.s). The molecular structures can be given in any order, but their centers of mass and atomic sequence must be the same as the fragments in the target molecular crystal. Using the NMER 1 ONEMOTIF options to WRITE the molecules in a molecular crystal ensures that the order and centers of mass of the molecular fragments are correct. The file name where the repacked molecular structure will be written must be given at the end of the command (new.s).

Calculate Dimensions of Uniform k-Point Grids (KPOINTS)

The KPOINTS keyword:

KPOINTS [rk.r] [RKMAX rkmax.r]

calculates the number of k-points in each direction (nk1, nk2, nk3) of a uniform k-point grid with density given by length parameter (rk.r). More k-points are allocated in short directions of the crystal according to VASP’s formula: \begin{equation} n_i = \text{int}\left[\text{max}\left(1,R_k |{\rm b}_i| + \frac{1}{2}\right)\right] \end{equation} where is the number of k-points in direction i and is the length of the ith reciprocal lattice vector.

If the KPOINTS keyword is used without any further input, critic2 lists all the distinct uniform k-point grids for values of rk.r from zero up to a value equal to rkmax.r, which can be modified with the optional RKMAX keyword (default: 100 bohr). If a number rk.r follows KPOINTS, the k-point grid dimensions are calculated only for that value.

Print the Brillouin Zone Geometry (BZ)

The BZ keyword:


calculates and prints the geometry of the Brillouin cell for the currently loaded crystal.

Edit the structure (EDIT)

This keyword can be used to edit the currently loaded molecular or crystal structure. The syntax of the EDIT environment is:

  DELETE {ATOM|ATOMS} id1.i id2.i ...
  MOVE id.i x.r y.r z.r [BOHR|ANG] [RELATIVE]

Each line in the EDIT environment carries out an edit in the structure. The list of possible editing actions includes:

  • DELETE {ATOM|ATOMS} id1.i id2.i ...: delete cell atoms with IDs id1.i, id2.i, etc. After the atoms are deleted, recalculate the symmetry operations and bond connectivity.

  • DELETE {MOLECULE|MOLECULES} id1.i id2.i ...: delete molecules with IDs id1.i, id2.i, etc. After the molecules are deleted, recalculate the symmetry operations and bond connectivity.

  • DELETE {HYDROGEN|HYDROGENS}: delete all hydrogens.

  • MOVE: moves atom with complete list ID id.i to position x.r y.r z.r. If the system is a crystal, the coordinates are fractional; if it is a molecule, the coordinates are Cartesian (default angstrom, unless changed with UNITS). If BOHR or ANG, interpret the coordinates as Cartesian with the corresponding units. If RELATIVE, the coordinates indicate movement relative to the atom’s current position.

  • CELLMOVE: modify the indicated unit cell parameter (length or angle in degrees) or the unit cell volume (isotropic scaling). If r.r and no other keyword is given, set the cell parameter to r.r. If BOHR or ANG, use the indicated units (default: BOHR unless changed with UNITS). If modifying the volume, BOHR and ANG indicate the corresponding cubed units. If RELATIVE is given, add r.r to the current value of the parameter. If FRACTION is given, multiply the current value of the parameter with r.r.

Fit experimental X-ray powder diffraction patterns (XRPD)

The XRPD keyword implements a set of tools to fit experimental X-ray powder diffraction patterns. This keyword is a helper for comparing crystal structures against experimental powder patterns using the COMPAREVC keyword. The syntax is:

XRPD BACKGROUND source_xy.s outbckgnd_xy.s [nknot.i]
XRPD FIT source_xy.s [ymax_peakdetect.r] [nadj.i]
XRPD REFIT source_xy.s source_peaks.s

In all cases, the xy file (source_xy.s) corresponds to a (experimental) powder diffraction pattern, possibly a very low quality pattern, given as a two-column text file. The first column is the and the second column is the profile intensity. Other columns, comments (“#”), and blank lines are ignored.

There are three modes of operation in XRPD:

  • The BACKGROUND keyword calculates the background for the experimental pattern contained in the xy file source_xy.s using David and Sivia’s method based on Bayesian analysis. The background is represented by a spline with nknot.i knots (default: 20). The reflection angles, background-subtracted pattern, the background itself, and the original pattern are written in that order to outbckgnd_xy.s, which can then be used as input for XRPD FIT.

  • The FIT keyword fits the input pattern using a linear combination of pseudo-Voigt functions, as described in A. Otero-de-la-Roza, J. Appl. Cryst. 57 (2024) 1401-1414. The FIT keyword should be applied to diffraction patterns where the background has been subtracted (i.e. the output xy file from the BACKGROUND keyword). The method implemented in this keyword tries to fit a sequence of candidate peaks to the pattern. A point in the pattern is considered a candidate peak if its intensity is higher than nadj.i adjacent points in each direction (nadj.i can only take values 1 and 2, default: 2). All candidate peaks with intensity lower than ymax_peakdetect.r are automatically discarded (default: median of the profile intensities). In general, it is a good idea to examine the input pattern and set the ymax_peakdetect.r manually to an intensity below which no meaningful peaks (only noise) are expected.

    The FIT keyword writes two files. The <root>_fit.dat file contains the fitted and the original patterns. It is a good idea to examine that the two match after running the fit. The <root>.peaks file contains the list of peaks and intensities, and can be used as input for COMPAREVC. This allows comparing crystal structures against the powder pattern. The name of these files can be changed using the ROOT keyword.

  • The REFIT keyword reads an xy file containing a background-clean pattern (source_xy.s) and a .peaks file (source_peaks.s) and refits the pattern starting from the profile contained in the peaks file. This command is useful if the user decides to add or remove peaks from the .peaks file, perhaps to manually improve the agreement with the experimental xy data, perhaps to remove spurious peaks, or peaks from the pressure calibrant. This keyword generates a new peaks file (<root>.peaks) containing the refitted linear combination of pseudo-Voigt functions.
