Kramdown Cheat Sheet

Inline formatting

Italics *Italics* or _Italics_
Bold **Bold** or __Bold__
Inline code `Inline code`
Inline code <code>Inline code</code>
*Escaping* \*Escaping\*
Strikethrough <del>Strikethrough</del>
– (en-dash) --
— (em-dash) ---
… (ellipsis) ...
«guillemet» << and >>
:lollipop: :+1: (emojis) :lollipop: :+1:

Paragraph formatting and sectioning

Level 1 header # header {#id}
  header with = underline
Level 2 header ## header {#id}
  header with - underline
Level 3 header ### header {#id}
Level 4 header #### header {#id}
Block quote > this is a quote
Line break This is a\\
  line break
Horizontal rule * * * or ---
Code paragraph Start with four blank indentation.
  Delimit with ~~~ or ```
  Delimit with ~~~language or ```language for color syntax
Unordered list Items with * or - or +
Ordered list Number and a dot
Definition list Normal paragraph follwoed by : and space
HTML HTML blocks are accepted
Footnotes [^label] and [^label]: text at the end
Abbreviations *[label]: description at the end
Task lists - [ ] Incomplete - [x] Complete
Automatic <>
Inline (external) [google](
Inline (internal) [critic2](/critic2/)
Reference [google][gid]
  [gid]: "optional title"


Inline ![title](/assets/images/clathrate.png "title"){:height="100px" width="100px"}
Reference ![clath2]
  [clath2]: /assets/images/clathrate.png{:height="100px" width="100px"}
External ![image](


| Header1 | Header2 | Header3 |
| 1       | 2       | 3       |
| 4       | 5       | 6       |
| 8       | 95      | 106     |
| 894     | 345     | 866     |
| Foot1   | Foot2   | Foot3   |
Header1 Header2 Header3
1 2 3
4 5 6
8 95 106
894 345 866
Foot1 Foot2 Foot3


Inline $$a^2 = b^2 + c^2 - 2bc\cos\alpha$$
Display Same, in its own paragraph
